O-1 Paintings, 2019
To fulfill O-1 (Artist Visa) requirements, I taught myself into a “painter” to be included in an art show on abstraction. Each painting is surrounded by a text which addresses the complicated Visa policy and the personal struggles under it.
*Paintings are for sale at a LOW price to help fund my Visa application* (email for detail: coffeekang1109atgmail.com)
Is Coffee Kang Extraordinary?
To qualify for an O-1 Visa, the beneficiary must demonstrate EXTRAORDINARY ability by sustained national or international acclaim.
“The American Dream”
O-1 Visa costs around $5,000, and takes 3-4 months to process, plus an average of 4-6 months to prepare the files.
The Artist Visa
The Artist Visa, also known as the O1 Visa, is a non-immigrant Visa category for people with an extraordinary ability in the arts.
What about emerging artists?
Has received, or been nominated for, significant national or international awards, such as an Academy Award, Emmy, Grammy or Director’s Guild…
This painting is worth $10,000
Evidentiary Criteria (6) A high salary or other sustainable remuneration for services in relation to others in the field.
Immigration lawyers said I need to get into more shows to prove my “extraordinary abilities”.
Teaching myself to be a painter to be included in this show.